петък, 20 декември 2013 г.

2013 г. за банките и финансите

  От прегледа на събитията на 2013 г. на David Collum препечатвам малка част от текста за банките и финансите.

"Bankers and Finance

“I’m standing in one of New York’s most crime-ridden neighborhoods. I’m standing on Wall Street.”
~The Daily Show
“Financial Sector Thinks It’s About Ready To Ruin World Again”
~ Headline from the Onion
“They don’t have a ‘negative cash-flow position’. They’re broke! They’re fucking broke!”
~ George Carlin
2013 seems like an off year for banking crimes. Of course, there was a steady stream of behavior that makes you want to lynch a bunch of them, but we witnessed volumes of follow-throughs of old scandals and very few new, really colorful ones. The high point of the year was when JPMorgan decided to communicate with the public via Twitter by encouraging questions using hashtag #askJPM. They got thousands—literally thousands—of the most truly raucus rhetorical questions you could imagine:
"I have Mortgage Fraud, Market Manipulation, Credit Card Abuse, Libor Rigging and Predatory Lending. AM I DIVERSIFIED? #AskJPM"
~ Representative tweet to #askJPM"

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